Creating an Amazon WorkSpaces Connection in NoTouch

This article helps Administrators Create Amazon Workspaces connections and registration in NoTouch

Stratodesk supports Amazon (AWS) Workspaces DaaS platform and supports the use of the Registration Code which can be stored persistently on the endpoint.

  • By default, Linux client access is disabled for Amazon WorkSpaces. To use this client with your WorkSpace, your Amazon WorkSpaces administrator must enable Linux client access for your WorkSpaces directory. For more information, see Control Device Access in the Amazon WorkSpaces Administration Guide. Additional information regarding Workspaces Linux Client
  • Currently Amazon WorkSpaces Linux client - WorkSpaces Streaming Protocol (WSP) is not supported
  • Requires an EEa image, available in your customer portal or via sales \ support

To create a connection, go to your group and select ‘New Connection’


For the ‘Connection Mode’ select Amazon Workspaces (WSP)’


If you want your users to enter the registration code each time, you can then announce the change to the endpoints.

If, however you want to add a ‘Registration Code’, select ‘Amazon Workspaces, and then and the enter the ‘Registration Code’


Even with the ‘Registration Code’ set, you do have the option to overwrite this once the connection has been launched.
