For updating BIOS of a device from Stratodesk NoTouch Center (NTC)
First - Check to ensure that your endpoints are supported by Linux Vendor Firmware Service
In NoTouch Center, Device or Group settings / Services /
Firmware Update | Start Service - Set to On
Firmware Update | Approval required - Set to Off
Announce and reboot the target devices
**** This process is outside of Stratodesk Control and is using industry standard tools at BIOS level function. Ensure this works as expected on a test device of supported model. Any interruption in the BIOS update process can potentially leave a device in an unmanaged or in a "Bricked" state****
**** Always test this process before deploying to your environment ****
**** You may want to consider only enabling this for a separate "Update" group, to ensure you do not inadvertently deploy this across your entire fleet instantaneously ****
We have tested and used these tools as provided with success, however as this process occurs outside of NoTouch OS we will not be held liable for environmental failures
Firmware Update | Start Service - Set to On, enables the Service and options
Firmware Update | Approval Required - The Approval Required option in fwupd configuration files determines whether firmware updates should be automatically applied or require manual approval before they are installed.
When ApprovalRequired is set to true, the fwupd daemon will not automatically apply firmware updates, and instead, it will wait for the user to manually approve the update before installing it. This can be useful if the user wants to review the changes in the firmware update or if they want to ensure that the update does not cause any compatibility issues with other software or hardware.
On the other hand, when Approval Required is set to false, the fwupd daemon will automatically apply firmware updates without user intervention, provided that the updates meet other criteria such as cryptographic signature verification.
for additional documentation or information please go to Linux Vendor Firmware Service