NoTouch Center 4.5.215 Release Notes (Nov 20, 2021)

Here are Release Notes for NoTouch Center version 4.5.215. Please read and update after a snapshot and backing up configuration



  • Sync parameters with OS
  • Do not show pointless password change log message on empty password

Fixed Issues

  • MFA functionality to external users (LDAP etc)
  • Fix Client Replace functionality
  • Fix a rare issue with Value Restrictions on loading option lists
  • Prevent a stack overflow error in rare situations e.g. deleting a connection of a static profile
  • Fix an issue with providing machine-specific certificates to clients
  • Fix rights and display for Unassigned clients

Security Updates

  • Prevent Jetty from generating directory listings on static directories


Component Version
Eclipse Jetty 9.4.43.v20210629
MySQL Connector/J 8.0.26
Velocity Engine 2.3
Velocity Tools 3.1
Apache Struts2 2.5.26
Log4j 2.14.1






Virtual Appliance

NoTouch OS 4.5.215 is contained in Stratodesk Virtual Appliance 20211120. The Appliance is set to update automatically, minor version numbers will change over time.

Component Version
Appliance Base OS Ubuntu Linux 18.04
MySQL 5.7
Java Runtime 11.0.11
PHP 7.2
NGINX 1.14.0