Quickly locate the proper Device or Group with Filters.

Locating the appropriate device or group of devices amongst the entire enterprise is made simple with Filter

Filter is a feature of NoTouch Center to browse through clients and groups in realtime, jump to clients or groups, get a CSV export, by effectively filtering a data table from all installed devices down to a subset defined by your own criteria. To access Filter, click on "Manage" in the main menu, then on "Tools" in the left sidebar and finally select the "Filter" tab.

Note: If you just want to jump to a client based on its name that you know, use Quicksearch.

Filter functionality

Filter will present your data in a paginated style, allowing different page length or simply show all records. Below the table is a link named "CSV" that retrieves all selected records and downloads them as a CSV file.

The search box in the top right corner is the main filter criterium. Only rows where at least one field matches the search box will be displayed. "Match" is defined as an SQL-LIKE on "%searchString%" - that means it is a case-insensitive search on parts of the field, NOT restricted to beginning or end of the field.

Furthermore Filter offers column-based search boxes below the individual columns. This allows you to specifically narrow down your search by matching values in a certain column only. You can use multiple column search boxes, the more you use the more the search will be narrowed down. In other words, all the search boxes are linked together in a logical "and". A match is only a match, if this and that (and that...) matches.


Filter will allow you to directly jump to a client or a group - both the client name and the group name are links.

Filter configuration options

We believe that Filter is great the way it is, but should you want to extend - or restrict - Filter, several Configuration properties are available:

  • lmc.filterHasStatusValues= defines if the filter will show "status" values or only the device names, group and MAC addresses. Showing status values makes the feature much more interesting, but also increases the load on server and database. Default: true
  • lmc.filterHasColumnFilter= defines if the filter has individual column search boxes below each column. All these boxes are linked together and to the main search box in a logical "and" relationship. Default: true
  • lmc.filterCustomStatusValues= allows to add columns - a comma-separated listed made of the "status values" database codes. An example value would be SYSTEM_PRODUCT. Note: The more columns you add, the slower Filter will be. Default: empty

The following properties deal exclusively with CSV export:

  • lmc.filterAllowCSVExport= can disable the CSV altogether. Default: true
  • lmc.filterCSVSeparator= denotes the field separator used. Default: , (comma)
  • lmc.filterCSVFilenamePrefix= the fixed prefix that will be prepended to the timestamp. Default: filter
  • lmc.filterCSVCharset= the character set. Default: UTF-8