Live Boot allows mobility by Booting from a USB Stick.

Users can carry their secure sessions or connections with the appropriate profiles or settings on a usb stick and boot without affecting the underlying OS

"Live Boot" refers to the concept of running NoTouch on a PC or laptop or similar device without writing it to a system's disk, thus without "installing" it onto a specific machine. NoTouch can be live-booted from USB, CD-ROM and network (PXE).

Live booting is easy:

  1. Set up your boot medium, such as
  2. Let the target machine boot from your boot medium (this may require entering the machine's BIOS and changing boot options)
  3. Enjoy NoTouch OS!

Note: It is possible to customize and pre-load your own configuration - please see here: Configuration preload

Raspberry Pi: "Live Boot" is not available for Raspberry Pi based systems.